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Course 課程

Age 年齡

24 - 36mths

Smart Kids組

2 - 3 yrs

Course Details :


Curriculum design is based on children’s physiology and psychological development and age.It can help children to grow healthily. 2-3 years old is the most significant stage among children’s grow up stage. We will provide whole nurturing in terms of language,emotion, imagination,comprehension and intelligent. Activities are all under long theory study and implementation. Fruitful game’s environment and meaningful activities can foster their physical and psychological development. They can target their learning with interest and grow healthily with these activities.

課程簡介 :


課程設計是根據幼兒生理及心理的發展、年齡的特性,而給予幼兒優良的灌溉,培育幼兒健康成長。2 至 3 歲是幼兒成長階段中最重要的時期,就幼兒的語言、情緒、聯想、理解以及各項智能方面,要給予幼兒完整的培育。課程內的活動均經過長期的理論研究和實踐,為 2 - 3 歲的幼兒提供豐富的遊戲環境,設計有意思的活動,使寶寶能與家長共同分享以促進幼兒身心發展,拓展幼兒的成長學習興趣為目的,給予幼兒優良的培育,讓幼兒健康成長。

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