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Children 0-3 years of age is an important period of brain development, proper perception and experience in sports games can promote children's brain development, so as to enhance its intelligence, motor coordination, size muscle coordination skills, social-emotional development and social skills, the ability, consolidate and enhance children's learning foundation, to promote social adaptation to the environment, can also enhance the baby in learning self-esteem. In a relaxed environment, strengthen the parent-child relationship, parents and the baby to experience fun family activities.


Course activities are designed summarized the following concepts:

Sensory Integration


Filial Therapy

Brain Gym


Childhood Reflexes & Integration


Instructors are qualified therapists and experienced child care workers, with extensive experience in teaching young children, and to qualify different professional qualifications and get a number of different interfaces, a senior tutor children personally awarded mentoring infant development and growth potential of practical skills.


0-3 歲是幼兒腦部發展的重要時期,適當的感知運動遊戲及經驗能促進幼兒的腦部發展,從而提昇其智能、動作協調、大小肌肉協調能力、社交情緒發展及社交技巧的能力,鞏固和增進幼兒的學習基礎 ,促進對社交環境的適應,亦能在學習中提升寶寶自尊自信。在輕鬆愉快的環境,加強親子關係,讓家長及寶寶體驗一個開心的親子活動。




感覺統合運動 Sensory Integration

韻律性運動 R.M.T

親子遊戲輔導Filial Therapy

健腦操 Brain Gym

身心語言程序學 N.L.P

兒童運動及體適能孩童反射及整合 Childhood Reflexes & Integration



Course 課程

Age 年齡

12 - 14 mths


12 - 14mths

15 - 18 mths


15 - 18mths

19 - 24 mths


19 - 24mths

25 - 36 mths

Smart Kids組

2 - 3 yrs

Board Game


3 - 5 yrs

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