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The school principle,Miss Ulian Chun, is one of a few teachers in Hong Kong qualified as an examiner for the Royal Academy of Ballet. Child ballet education is Miss Chun’s lifelong vocational commitment. Through learning ballet, Miss Chun hopes her students will benefit with more control over mood and improved problem-solving skills in the face of hardship and challenges. She emphasizes the importance of creativity and spiritual development through ballet so that children may grow up being more active, healthy and confident, with their unique potential and strengths explored fully.


Miss Ulian Chun, believes in the importance of professional coaching in children’s classical ballet education. Good teaching encourages adherence to a strict learning framework. The Royal Academy of Dance learning framework that the Ulian Chun Academy of Dance adopts is arranged according to the student’s age and level, benefits their needs and strengths, and helps the learners develop their full potential in a balanced and comprehensive way.


Show Performance

Students are eligible to participate in performance after they have pasted their first examination. Students will also be chosen as guest performers in performances of Organization like Hong Kong Ballet Group, Hong Kong Arts Festival, The Dance Expo of Hong Kong Dance Federation as well as the Hong Kong Dance Festival sponsored by the Hong Kong Association of Hong Kong Dance Groups Organizations and various Organizations like ACCA or Hong Kong International Airport Authority etc. 

Examinations information 
- For RAD ballet Grades examination, we have 12 levels, and they are PSD 1, PSD 2, Pre-Primary, Primary, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8.

Where as for the Vocational examination, there are 5 Levels, and they are Pre- Intermediate, Intermediate, Advance Foundation, Advance 1, and Advance 2.
 -The syllabus of our Ballet stream is based on the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) which is a Global Organization of 75 Years history in Europe, and our Jazz is based on the syllabus of The Australian Teachers of Dancing (ATOD) which is Organization recognized and funded by the  Australian Government.
-Participants of PSD 1, 2 and Pre-Primary of RAD will be presented with a certificate with comments on, and there is no pass or fail, thus no stress for the little children. It helps to strengthen the confidence of the children and introduce them to the process of assessment / examination in a fun and exciting way. Students from Primary to G8 will receive a report, a certificate and a medal as reward.


-The RAD Pre- School Dance curriculum aim at developing the young children 's mind with imagination and motor control with the aids of games, musical rhythm, props and exploration of space. And through the movement activities, children learn to develop listening, social skill, self-expression and the enjoyment of dance.

-The aim of the ATOD Early Children Development is to introduce small children to the magic of mind, music and dance. Children are assessed on participation and involvement, motor control, ability or timing.


秦懿欣女土是本港少數獲英國皇家芭蕾學院考試官資格的舞蹈家,曾擔任王仁曼芭蕾舞學校副校長逾十年。歷任香港舞蹈比賽及香港全港公開舞蹈比賽評判,並取得 英國皇家芭蕾舞學院及英國皇家教師協會(土風舞)之高級文憑,及英國皇家芭蕾舞學院高級教師文憑,為該學院之最高教學資格。秦校長自一九九零年起,連任英國皇家芭蕾舞學院的高級考試官,迄今十三年。 曾先後於德國、意大利、斯里蘭卡、阿拉伯聯合酋長國、台灣、韓國、日本、中國、新加坡、香港、希臘、巴西及葡萄牙、馬來西亞等地授課及主考。







在古典芭蕾有三種不同的routes,分兩個系統的考試。包括兒童的等級考試和為專業人士而設的職業考試及旨在評估和肯定學生的成就和改進而設的非評分演出。皇家芭蕾舞學院的分級考試和專業資格由在英格蘭﹑威爾士和北愛爾蘭的The Qualification and Curriculum Authority( QCA )所認可。英國皇家舞蹈學院的考官均通過嚴格的培訓及考核以維持優良的水準。


英國皇家芭蕾舞等級考試分12個級別,包括Pre-school Dance1, Pre-school Dance 2, Pre-Primary, Primary, Grade 1-8。

至於職業考試,分5個級別,包括Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Advance Foundation, Advance 1 and Advance 2。
完成Pre-school Dance 1, Pre-school Dance 2, Pre-Primary後,會得到註有評語的證書,證書上的評論沒有合格與否,因此不會對小孩子造成壓力。這樣有助於加強孩子的信心,令他們從一個有趣的和令人興奮的方式去認識考核/評估的過程。而Primary至Grade 8的學生將收到一份報告﹑證書和獎章作為獎勵。 

英國皇家舞蹈學院Pre-school Dance的課程目標是通過想像力去發展幼兒的思考,利用各種遊戲的幫助,音樂的節奏,道具和空間探索的能力令幼兒能適當地控制大小肌肉。通過運動,兒童可學習聆聽﹑社會技能﹑自我表達能力,同時享受舞蹈。

Course 組別

Age 年齡

Ballet / Jazz

芭蕾舞 / 爵士舞

3.0 - 7.0 yrs

Course Details :


There are three different routes in classical ballet, with two systems of examination. These include graded exams for children and vocational exams for professionals and non-assessed presentation that aim to assess and confirm achievements and improvements from students’ own valuable efforts. The Royal Academy of Ballet graded exams and professional qualifications are recognized by the Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Examiners sent by the Royal Academy of Dance are trained and assessed according to strict standards and are of excellent calibre.


課程簡介 :


在古典芭蕾有三種不同的routes,分兩個系統的考試。包括兒童的等級考試和為專業人士而設的職業考試及旨在評估和肯定學生的成就和改進而設的非評分演出。皇家芭蕾舞學院的分級考試和專業資格由在英格蘭﹑威爾士和北愛爾蘭的The Qualification and Curriculum Authority( QCA )所認可。英國皇家舞蹈學院的考官均通過嚴格的培訓及考核以維持優良的水準。


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