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Life-wide fencing studio is found by the prior representative of Hong Kong fencing team (Mr. Wendi Zhou).This center provides a safe and comfortable practice environment for people who love fencing.Our residential coaches are former players from Hong Kong fencing team. The center dedicates花、重、佩courses, suitable for 3 year-old infants (Bonjour! Fencing) to adults which over 18 years-old. Fencing is a "full range" activity for people of all ages to participate.



As an Olympic competition event,Fencing has a long history and profound impact. It  becomes increasingly popular in Hong Kong. As a result, the center is committed to extend activity to all sectors, in the spirit of teaching to all kind of students, so that all those involved in fencing can grasp the skills,  through fencing exercises and therefore enhance their interest on fencing.Fencing can strengthen the coordination of hands, eyes and legs, and improve physical fitness. Also, fencing players can train their psychological qualities to adapt to complex environment. They will be able to raise their self-confidence and maintain a high level of competitiveness, which will help them to create excellent results in major competitions.

劍擊全方位乃是前港隊劍擊代表(周文迪先生)所開辦。專為熱愛劍擊的各界人士提供一個安全而又舒適的練習場地。本中心有多位優秀的現役或退役的港隊劍擊運動員為駐場教練。本中心設有花、重、佩劍擊課程,為3歲(Bonjour! Fencing)的幼童至18歲以上的成人提供不同程度的劍擊課程。劍擊是一項『全方位』的運動,適合各年齡人仕參加。





Course details: 

Life-Wide Fencing Studio estsablished Hong Kong's first baby fencing playgroup, designed for children aged three to five or up.Students practice their concentration,patience and critical thinking, while training hand-eye, foot coordination.Also,they improve their exercise motivation and strengthen communication skills.They can develop right attitude for winning or losing the game.Playgroup program is divided into three stages (first stage Bonjour "BJ", the second stage CaVa "CV", the third stage AlLez "AL";.There are three quarters annually. Each quarter last for fifteen to eighteen classes.Test will be set up before the end of the quarter.If the student pass the test, he/she will receive a certificate and can be upgraded to the next stage.Courses are designed by experienced fencing instructor. After passing the stage, the performance of students will be recommend to add "Life-Wide Fencing Studio"’s regular fencing courses.


Competition information:

Competitions host twice a year to test the students' various abilities and fencing skills, so that students can feel the atmosphere of competitions, and develop the right attitude for winning or losing.


Bonjour! Fencing是全港首創的BB劍擊playgroup,專為三至五歲的小童而設。透過滲入劍擊元素的遊戲, 培養學生的專注力和耐性和判斷思考,同時訓練學生手眼、腳協調,以便日後發展劍擊或其它運動;同時亦培養團隊精神、提高練習積極性和加強與人溝通的能力; 更於測試和競技比賽中,感受比賽的氣氛並培養對輸贏的正確態度。

Playgroup課程分為三個階段(第一階段 Bonjour《BJ》、第二階段 Cava《CV》、第三階段Allez 《AL》;全年三個季度,每季度為期十五至十八堂,每季度完結前設測試,通過測試的學員獲發証書一張和可升級至下一階段。
課程由資深劍擊教練設 計,完成第三個階段後,表現良好及通過測試的學生能推薦加入『劍擊全方位』的正規劍擊課程。





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