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Severe Weather Arrangements

Classes that are cancelled due to bad weather will not be rescheduled or refunded. Below is the class arrangement for bad weather:


- Class will be held when Typhoon Signal No 1 or Yellow Rainstorm Signal is hoisted.


- All 1 to 2 years old classes will be cancelled* once Typhoon Signal No. 3 or Red Rainstorm Signal is hoisted. 2 years old or above's classes will be held as usual.


- All classes will be cancelled* once Typhoon Signal No. 8/10 or Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted


- Classes will resume 2 hours after the Hong Kong Observatory lowers the typhoon signal(s) or rainstorm.(depends on the start time of the class.If the Hong Kong Observatory lowers all the rainstorms or typhoon signal at 11am,1pm or after 1 pm's classes will be resumed.)


*1 to 2 years old classes will be cancelled immediately when Typhoon Signal No 3 or Red Rainsotrm Signal is hoisted.


*All classes will be cancelled immediately when Typhoon Signal No 8 or Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted.


If the Hong Kong Oberservatory announced Typhoon Signal No 3/8 or Red/Black Rainstorm Singal will be hoisted at a certain time,all classes which begin at or after this time will not be held. (For instance, if Typhoon Signal No will be hoisted at 3pm, 3pm or after 3pm's

classes will not be held.)













  • 天文台懸掛一號風球或黃色暴雨警告 : 所有課堂如常舉行。


  • 天文台正式懸掛三號風球或紅色暴雨警告: 1至2歲課程取消*,2歲以上課堂將如常舉行。


  • 天文台正式懸掛八號風球或黑色暴雨警告 : 所有課堂均會取消。


  • 於天文台公佈暴雨/颱風警告除下兩小時後, 所有課堂恢復正常。(以課堂開始時間計算。如天文台宣佈早上11時除下所有風球或暴雨警告,下午1時正或1時後的課堂均會回復正常)。


   *若三號風球或紅色暴雨警告正式懸掛時間為上課途中 :






若天文台將宣佈將於某時間正式懸掛三號/八號風球或紅色/黑色暴雨警告,所有於這個時間  開始或這個時間之後完結之受影響課堂均不會開課。





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